What are the requirements for E-commerce Website Hosting in BeStarHost? 

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For your business to grow and succeed, it needs to join the digital world. eCommerce may not be as simple as it sounds. There are several elements that come into play when choosing hosting services for your eCommerce website.

There are several hosting companies that stand out in the market, BeStarHost being one of the most famous ones. Below are the important e-commerce website hosting requirements.

What is eCommerce Website Hosting?

eCommerce web hosts provide services to your website or store. It is basically like renting a space for your online shop. There are several factors that you need to consider when choosing the right hosting plan, with adaptability being at the top.

It is important that the hosting plan should be flexible and up to the mark when your store or shop grows. The hosting services should be able to accommodate growing traffic, and even the customers happy.

eCommerce Web Hosting Requirements Checklist

Different providers offer different packs even if they are hosting the same category. The packs greatly depend upon your online shop or your catalog.

Below are the things that require consideration.


When hosting an eCommerce website, bandwidth is an imperative part of the hosting services. After all, it defines whether the user would stay on your website or not. Bandwidth ensures smooth and seamless loading of your website.  The amount of information that you transfer depends upon the number of visitors that the website gets every day. However, there is a catch, you need to be careful as there are certain providers who may penalize you in case your website exceeds the allocated bandwidth.


If you don’t want more than one website to be hosted on your plan, you need to check this with your provider and choose a plan that includes this possibility. This is extremely useful for retailers or manufacturers who handle different brands and shops.


Space is an important aspect that the hosting service provider needs to offer. An eCommerce store requires a lot of space mainly because it saves product images and videos. For high-resolution, you need additional space.

Generally, a website requires around 1 to 4 gigabytes of hosting, but this greatly upon the number of images there are on the website. Remember, this is not the same as saving your data and product image, you can store them using a PIM system in the cloud.

Speed and Performance

There is no denying that good hosting means fast loading of the website. Statistics show that users don’t wait more than 3 seconds for the website to load. So, if your website or store is taking too long, the users will go away and never come back.

Also, Google values good loading speed of a website and ranks that particular website better. A good hosting provider — BeStarHost— offers real-time perforce alerts regarding the loading speed of your website as well as any problem the website or the store encounters.

Other factors that play a role when it comes to the speed of your eCommerce website include.

Solid State Drivers

Instead of using the traditional HDD, modern servers are using SSD as they offer better speed and are more reliable.

Content Delivery Network

With a smart Content Delivery Network in place, you can effortlessly increase speed as there are different local storage points where the website content is stored in the cache of the server.


There is no denying that the higher the RAM memory, the greater the speed performance.

Hosting Location

A good rule of thumb is to have the hosting service provider from the same country from where the majority of your traffic is coming.


Security is among the number of factors to consider for an eCommerce website hosting In order to avoid vulnerabilities, you need to ensure that the hosting service provider offers full-fledged security.

If a visitor receives a security alert, you are sure never going to get that visitor back. Therefore, having all the required security measures in place ensures that you keep your users intact. Moreover, it would prevent your website from malware, hackers, spam, spyware, or other similar problem.

Lack of security would have a direct impact on the website/store’s reputation, performance, and SEO. Thus, ensure that the hosting plan that you chose should include:

Backup Copies

Your backup copies can be made either monthly, weekly or daily, depending on your requirement. Having these copies is important as they will help prevent losses or recover from unwanted changes that cannot be undone.

SSL Certificate

The fundamental stamp of security online allows you to use HTTPS in your URL and it encrypts your data. The website guarantees the utmost society for online payment and browsing.


Anti-spam filters, DDoS protection, or antivirus are among the few utilities that the hosting service provider should be offering.

Technical Support

BeStarHost, leading eCommerce website builders and hosting services provide around-the-clock technical support to its consumers. Since there is no fixed times for errors or bugs, thus it is extremely vital that the hosting services have technical support whenever needed.

Once your website is down, you are going to lose a lot of current and potential customers, something as a business you cannot afford! For hosting an eCommerce website, the service providers have live chat, phone number, or email where reaching them is effective and efficient.

Take Away

These are some of the web hosting requirements for eCommerce websites. So, while choosing a hosting provider, ensure that these are the hosting features for eCommerce websites that the service providers offer!

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