Common DNS Issues and How to Troubleshoot Them in Web Hosting?

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In the vast landscape of web hosting, encountering DNS (Domain Name System) issues is not uncommon. These issues can lead to website downtime, poor performance, and user frustration. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore common DNS issues, walk through troubleshooting steps, discuss DNS configuration best practices, introduce essential tools for DNS troubleshooting, and highlight preventive measures. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced webmaster, understanding and addressing DNS challenges is crucial for maintaining a seamless online presence.

Common DNS Issues and How to Troubleshoot Them in Web Hosting?Common DNS Issues

  1. Incorrect DNS Records:

    One of the primary culprits is inaccurate DNS records. Typos, outdated information, or misconfigurations can lead to the wrong IP addresses being associated with domain names.

  2. DNS Propagation Delays:

    Changes to DNS settings take time to propagate across the internet. This delay can result in users experiencing inconsistent access to your website during the propagation period.

  3. DNS Hijacking:

    Malicious actors may attempt to hijack DNS settings, redirecting traffic to unauthorized servers. This can lead to security breaches and compromise the integrity of your website.

  4. DNS Server Outages:

    If the DNS servers responsible for your domain experience downtime, users will be unable to access your website by its domain name.

  5. DNS Cache Issues:

    Local DNS caches can sometimes store outdated information, causing users to be directed to the wrong IP addresses.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Verify DNS Records:

    Use a reliable DNS lookup tool to verify that your domain’s DNS records are correct. BeStarHost’s DNS management console is a powerful tool for this purpose.

  2. Check DNS Propagation:

    Utilize online tools to check the status of DNS propagation. Understand that complete propagation may take up to 48 hours.

  3. Investigate DNS Hijacking:

    Regularly monitor your DNS settings for any unauthorized changes. Employ DNS security protocols and two-factor authentication to prevent hijacking attempts.

  4. Monitor DNS Server Status:

    Ensure that your DNS hosting provider maintains high server uptime. Consider using secondary DNS servers for redundancy.

  5. Clear DNS Cache:

    Instruct users to clear their local DNS cache or consider lowering the Time-To-Live (TTL) value for your DNS records to minimize cache-related issues.

DNS Configuration Best Practices

  1. Keep Records Updated:

    Regularly review and update DNS records, ensuring accuracy. Remove obsolete records and promptly update any changes to your server infrastructure.

  2. Use CNAME Records Wisely:

    While CNAME records offer flexibility, excessive use can impact performance. Use them judiciously and prefer A records for root domains.

  3. Implement DNSSEC:

    DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) add an extra layer of security, preventing DNS spoofing and ensuring the integrity of your DNS data.

  4. Optimize TTL Values:

    Set Time-To-Live values appropriately to balance website performance and DNS cache duration.

  5. Regular Audits:

    Conduct periodic DNS audits to identify and rectify any anomalies. Tools like BeStarHost’s DNS analyzer can be valuable for this purpose.

Tools for DNS Troubleshooting

  1. BeStarHost DNS Management Console:

    Leverage BeStarHost’s user-friendly console for real-time DNS record management and troubleshooting.

  2. DNS Lookup Tools:

    Tools like nslookup, dig, or online DNS lookup services help verify DNS records and diagnose potential issues.

  3. DNS Propagation Checkers:

    Websites like “DNS Propagation Checker” provide insights into the status of DNS propagation globally.

  4. DNSSEC Validator:

    Use DNSSEC validators to confirm the proper implementation of DNS Security Extensions.

  5. Network Monitoring Tools:

    Employ network monitoring tools to detect unusual traffic patterns or potential DNS hijacking attempts.

Preventive Measures

  1. Regular Backups:

    Backup your DNS records regularly to facilitate quick recovery in case of accidental changes or security incidents.

  2. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

    Enable MFA for your DNS hosting account to add an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.

  3. Educate Users:

    Inform users about the importance of clearing their DNS cache and provide instructions on how to do so.

  4. Keep Software Updated:

    Regularly update your DNS server software to patch vulnerabilities and ensure optimal performance.

  5. Monitor Security Forums:

    Stay informed about emerging threats and vulnerabilities by actively participating in security forums and communities.


In the intricate world of web hosting, DNS issues are an inevitable challenge. However, armed with the right knowledge and tools, webmasters can navigate these challenges effectively. By understanding common DNS issues, implementing best practices, and utilizing powerful troubleshooting tools, you can ensure a reliable and secure online presence for your website. Be proactive in your approach, stay vigilant, and make the most of BeStarHost’s robust features to optimize your India dedicated server hosting experience.

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